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The latest album from Dragon and Berr. "No Time for Normal."  Get your daily dose of Dragon and Berr at the very best digital retail stores online now!

Are you ready for the ultimate musical challenge? Dragon and Berr, the dynamic duo of pop punk and rock have released..

"No Time for Normal" was released on February 1st 2024.

Dragon and Berr want to thank all their supporters and followers for their loyalty and enthusiasm throughout their musical journey.

Especially everyone on Bandcamp and Facebook. 

"No Time for Normal" is full of those signature surprise songs that make up Dragon and Berr's sonic sound.

On the latest album you have songs like "Hate Me".

A heavy hitting Anti-Hate song with a heavy message.

You can exclusive listen to it right here on this page.

The next album is due near the end of THIS year 2024!

Called "Dragon and Berr Truth or Dare."

"Truth or Dare has already brought us 3 singles. All which are being released before the full album.

The first single:

"Where Has the Punk Rock Gone" is a kind of love letter to punk rock. Punk rock is still very much alive and well it just seems hidden away unless you know to look for it in these algorithmic times.

The second single:

"Not Like I'm 18 Again"

Came about from a comment from our friend Seam McCauley from the band Born on Labor Day.  Sean mentioned he can't keep writing songs like he was 18 years old anymore. So, Edwin and Donna imagined a story about an older rocker who was trying to keep up with the times and stay in the music game.

The third Single:

"You Left Me Empty, I'll Fill Up with Hate Instead" deals with the troubles of relationships compounded by Anxiety and depression.

The full album "Dragon and Berr, Truth or Dare" is due out near the end of 2024!



Our first Cover Song is out! You can check out Snowblind at most online retailers or Stream it at all Streaming services now! Check it out on Apple Music.  We appreciate you all!